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Kresge Resources for MAP: Database Usage Guidelines

Database Usage Guidelines for MAP Projects

Welcome to MAP! You will find that Kresge Library resources and staff will be an integral part of your project. In addition to assisting you track down the information you need for your project, Kresge librarians can help you determine what information resources you can share with your MAP sponsors. As a general guideline, you can share articles from journals and trade magazines as well as a single Frost & Sullivan report with your sponsor.


Journal and Trade Magazine Articles

 Journal and trade magazine articles may be provided in full text to the company from the following databases:

  • ABI/Inform Global (ProQuest)
  • Business Information: Global
  • Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
  • Factiva
  • Others as identified by you or your librarian

Beyond these resources, the license agreements signed by the Kresge Library for the resources it provides to Ross School of Business students typically do not permit the resources to be shared in their entirety with companies. (Our vendors’ potential customer base includes not only the Library but also many of the firms you will be working with.) While you are not able to share most full reports with sponsors, you are free to include information from them in your deliverables (presentations and final report) as long as you cite your sources.

 If you have a question about a specific article/resource please contact your MAP librarian for clarification.

 Updated: 29 April 2020