Technavio's broad industy coverage includes global research on digital, programmatic, location-based and in-app advertising applications - an excellent research for global advertising market overviews, and a deeper dive into technology-based segments.
Digital and traditional advertising research, spending data and media buying.
IBISWorld Industry Reports
Advertising Agency industry overview and related industry segment research on Digital and Direct Mail Advertising, Billboard and Outdoor Advertising, Market Consultants and Print Advertising distribution.
EMIS Emerging Markets
EMIS global industry coverage includes country-based research on digital advertising, advertising and media, and comprehensive company, news and economic data.
Mintel's coverage of digital and traditional advertising trends also includes consumer survey data, including attitudes toward advertising, distribution preferences and related data.
Vivvix from Kantar Media provides access to spend and media mix trends for brand investment analysis. Vivvix tracks advertising spending by companies, products, and brands across media channels including Network TV, Cable TV, Internet, Syndication, Magazines, Spanish Language TV, Outdoor, and Local Radio.
Use the Explore > Create New Report to:
Understand brands’ investment strategies in detail
Compare campaigns on specific competitive sets
Focus on campaign detail through a wide range of metrics (spend, Share of Voice)
Techncial Note: Vivvix uses a pooled login. Set the Sharing option to 'Share with all users' to access them on your next login.