From their home page, "International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing provides an international forum for peer-reviewed papers and case studies on the latest techniques, thinking and best practice in marketing for the not-for-profit sector. Its objective is to provide a forum for the publication of refereed papers and practice notes which are of direct relevance to the practitioner while meeting the highest standards of intellectual rigour."
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ) provides cutting-edge research, discussion, and analysis of the field and leads its readers to understanding the impact the nonprofit sector has on society.
Nonprofit Management and Leadership (NML) is the first journal to bring together the best thinking and most advanced knowledge about the special needs, challenges, and opportunities of nonprofit organizations. Each issue of NML offers readers the authoritative insights of top executives and scholars on the common concerns of nonprofit leaders in all settings, including social services, the arts, education, foundations, community development, advocacy work, religion, professional associations, and others.
The International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law (IJNL) is ICNL's journal of analysis on global civil society. IJNL addresses legal topics as well as social, cultural, political and economic issues affecting the legal environment. Our readers include attorneys, government officials, grantmakers, scholars, and activists.
Voluntas international journal of voluntary and nonprofit organizations
From their site: "Geared to the executive suite, The NonProfit Times delivers news, business information and original research on the daily operations of tax-exempt organizations."
Leading weekly publication covering the nonprofit sector.
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