Vivvix from Kantar Media provides access to spend and media mix trends for brand investment analysis. Vivvix tracks advertising spending by companies, products, and brands across media channels including Network TV, Cable TV, Internet, Syndication, Magazines, Spanish Language TV, Outdoor, and Local Radio.
Use the Explore > Create New Report to:
Understand brands’ investment strategies in detail
Compare campaigns on specific competitive sets
Focus on campaign detail through a wide range of metrics (spend, Share of Voice)
Techncial Note: Vivvix uses a pooled login. Set the Sharing option to 'Share with all users' to access them on your next login.
Content access is limited to Advanced Search and Creative options.
REDBOOKS contains information about advertising agencies and other commercial firms. For advertising agencies, the database includes information on an agency's specializations; its key personnel; its accounts and their associated brands; and its corporate hierarchy. For other commercial firms, it includes information on how much a firm spends on advertising, an extensive list of executives, including those in marketing; its advertising agencies with contact information; and a list of the firm’s brands.