Market research reports and market forecasting in advanced materials, biotechnology, chemicals, energy, healthcare, sensors, plastics, nanotechnology, and other emerging technologies
Start with the Manufacturing link from the front page, or search for more specific manufacturing-related research under the Fuel Cell, Nanotechnology and other specific technology topic links
Information technology for manufacturing and related functions. Includes information on packaged applications for ERM, SCM and inventory management, lean manufacturing, product development and management, green information technology
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Frost & Sullivan
Global market, technical and economic data covering a wide variety of manufacturing industries, including automotive, building and construction, aerospace and defense, food and chemicals
Manufacturing topics include lean manufacturing, industrial process and control, instrumentation and measurement
Use policy: When using material from this database in reports and presentations, vendor contract requirements dictate that you must include the phrase, "Used with permission of Frost & Sullivan."
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Focused on IT for manufacturing
Check out the Manufacturing link under Industries from the Research Fast Finder
Includes market information on manufacturing innovation, plant and operations, SCM and ERM, product development and management
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IBISWorld Industry Reports
Start with the Manufacturing link from the Browse Industries page, or use keyword searching for specific product manufacturing
U.S. and growing global coverage of industries including apparel, food and beverage, chemicals, automotive, defense, plastics and metal fabrication
Offers information on technology, standards and production management, including benchmarking and cases, employment and production statistics, links to web resources and more