D&B Hoovers has public and private company profiles for US and global companies. Profiles include company descriptions and history, financials and ratios, hierarchy/corporate family tree data, SWOT analysis, news, competitors, SIC industry codes, NAICS industry codes, SEC filings, and annual reports. The “Build a List” function allows users to create a company list based on numerous parameters
and filters. Industry content includes constituents and analysis that include RMA Industry Norms, MarketLine Industry Profiles, and Fredonia Focus reports.
Technical notes: Company lists downloads are limited to 100 records. If you encounter a login screen, all seats are in use. Try connecting using the “UM users” link or at a later time.
Technical note:If you encounter a login screen, all seats are in use. Try connecting at a later time. Subscription includes 25 seats which are shared across all 3 UM campuses.
Mergent Online
Current and historical (past 15 years) firm descriptions, statistics, financial information and ratios, annual reports, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, joint ventures, long-term debt, bond ratings, capital stock, insider trading and supply chain for US and foreign companies. Mergent Online also provides access to Investext analyst reports. Help guide
Technical notes: Company reports and financials can be exported to Excel.
Private and public U.S and international company data, industry news, facts and figures, hierarchy/corporate family tree data, executive contact information, and industry profiles. Additionally, Mergent Intellect allows users to build lists of companies based on location, industry, size, etc.
Orbis contains information about European, US, Canadian, South and Central American, Japanese, Chinese, and African companies, as well as banks and insurance companies. Financials, peer comparison, corporate ownership and deals are included.
Users are required to enter 'University of Michigan' in the 'Enter your organization's name' box to authenticate and use the database.
Technical Notes: Use of scripts or automated methods to download data from Orbis is strictly prohibited. If you require access to a larger dataset, please contact us at kresge_library@umich.edu.
Nonprofit Resources
GuideStar is the most complete source of information about U.S. charities and other nonprofit organizations. The directory includes profiles of nonprofits including mission, programs, financials, operations, and funding sources. It also includes Form 990 tax filings with the IRS. Also see: Foundation Directory Online
A personal account with your @umich.edu email is required to download from Guidestar. Downloads are limited to 1000 records per month. Users can register for an account while on a UM campus IP address or while connected to the UM VPN.
Foundation Directory Online (FDO)
Company Directory, Company - Nonprofits
Description: This directory show provides the most comprehensive and accurate information on U.S. grant makers and their funding activities. Profiles of US Foundations describe the programs they offer, areas of funding, types of support, and grant recipients and amounts. It also includes Form 990 tax filings with the IRS. Also see: GuideStar.
Private Companies and Deals
PrivCo contains business and financial research for over 600,000 non-publicly traded corporations, including family-owned, private equity-owned, venture-backed and international unlisted companies. Search for Venture Capital (VC) fundings, private Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) deals, Private Equity (PE) deals, and general company information. Private company profiles contain financials, corporate structure, key contacts, investors and industry information.
Technical notes: Personal account using @umich.edu email required. PrivCo Video Tutorials
Search thousands of Private Equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC) deals by hundreds of criteria. Use PitchBook to establish benchmarks, find real time data on deals, identify and analyze comparables, and search investor details. The Research Center has market updates, FactBooks, PlayBooks and Emerging Technology Research reports that will keep you up to date on the private market.
Technical Notes: Available to current UM Ann Arbor students only. Downloads are limited to 10 per month. Students may not publish PitchBook's data to any public forum such as a publicly available website. Students may not use PitchBook data for any non-academic purpose. University may institute disciplinary actions against any students who intentionally misuse PitchBook's data. PitchBook must be accessed through links provided on the Library website. Authentication is Single Sign On via UMICH Web Login. Users may be asked to set a Pitchbook password at first login.