These are the key resources that you can use when conducting research on your brand.
Vivvix from Kantar Media provides access to spend and media mix trends for brand investment analysis. Vivvix tracks advertising spending by companies, products, and brands across media channels including Network TV, Cable TV, Internet, Syndication, Magazines, Spanish Language TV, Outdoor, and Local Radio.
Use the Explore > Create New Report to:
Understand brands’ investment strategies in detail
Compare campaigns on specific competitive sets
Focus on campaign detail through a wide range of metrics (spend, Share of Voice)
Techncial Note: Vivvix uses a pooled login. Set the Sharing option to 'Share with all users' to access them on your next login.
Brandwatch provides a social listening platform to gather and analyze data from a wide variety of social media sites. Brandwatch tools and features can be used to uncover sentiment, trends, and images to create comprehensive narratives of consumers' online conversations.
eMarketer covers the digital marketplace with reports and charts on advertising spending by media, brand marketing, digital advertising, mobile apps, mobile devices, consumer behavior and experience, Ecommerce, social media usage and other topics.
Technical notes: Please log out of this resource as directed when finished. Failing to log out may prevent others from using the database.
Content access is limited to Advanced Search and Creative options.
REDBOOKS contains information about advertising agencies and other commercial firms. For advertising agencies, the database includes information on an agency's specializations; its key personnel; its accounts and their associated brands; and its corporate hierarchy. For other commercial firms, it includes information on how much a firm spends on advertising, an extensive list of executives, including those in marketing; its advertising agencies with contact information; and a list of the firm’s brands.
Simmons Insights
Data on the demographic, psychographic and media use characteristics of users of products, brands and services from the Simmons National Consumer Study, National Hispanic Consumer Study and Simmons Cross-Platform Media Insights.
Key Resources for Demographics
Demographics Now
This data tool leverages Census data to identify companies and revenues by product category in specified geographic areas around the US. It also can track population makeup of individuals on parameters such as age, gender, race, household size, household income, education attainment, marital status, and language spoken. Geographic regions can be filtered to Census tracts, core-based statistical areas, designated market area, states, counties, zip codes, and many other options.
SimplyAnalytics is a web-based mapping application that allows you to create thematic maps and reports using demographic, business and marketing data. Data can be downloaded for use with other software such as Excel and GIS. Examples of data included are Census data, Consumer Expenditure Survey and Nielsen Retail Market Power.
Technical notes: Users need to create their own account with email address in order to be able to save work.
Statista includes ready-made statistical charts, graphs and tables on marketing, demographics, communication, technology, politics, health, leisure and public opinion polls.
Psychology Resources
Citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations and technical reports in psychology.
Use policy: When using material from this database in reports and presentations, vendor contract requirements dictate that you must include the phrase, "Used with permission of PsycINFO."
Current and historical full-text articles on current issues in peer-reviewed psychology, including articles from journals published by American Psychological Association and allied organizations. Some journals included are: Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, Journal of Management & Organization, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics and Journal of Business and Psychology.
Use policy: When using material from this database in reports and presentations, vendor contract requirements dictate that you must include the phrase, "Used with permission of PsycARTICLES."