To get good information on the company and industry you are researching, be sure to visit these resources.
Technical note:If you encounter a login screen, all seats are in use. Try connecting at a later time. Subscription includes 25 seats which are shared across all 3 UM campuses.
Technical notes:Downloads are limited to 30 reports per session. Exceeding this limit blocks access for the entire University. If you have a research need beyond this limit, please contact us at
If you are searching for how much a company spends on advertising, there are a few key resources.
You will want to get into the news resources to find what people are writing about in major advertising and industry newspapers and other news sources.
ABI/INFORM contains articles from thousands of newspapers and key business magazines such as the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Barron’s, the Economist, and the New York Times. It also contains papers from leading academic journals across all major business disciplines.
Here are some steps for you to take to complete your project for MKT 603.
Some general hints to make your life easier: