Database features one-stop shopping that includes strategic initiatives, business and geographic segments, strengths/weaknesses, and ratio comparisons
One of the best resources for company information, this also has some industry reports (Datamonitor and Fredonia Focus Reports)
Industry reports can be seen by clicking on the SIC and NAICS codes in the company record or by searching in the industry box
When you are looking at an industry, you can view the leading firms in that field by clicking on "Peer Analysis" on the left hand side. This allows you to search the entire database by that particular SIC or NAICS code.
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PrivCo contains business and financial research for over 600,000 non-publicly traded corporations, including family-owned, private equity-owned, venture-backed and international unlisted companies. Search for Venture Capital (VC) fundings, private Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) deals, Private Equity (PE) deals, and general company information. Private company profiles contain financials, corporate structure, key contacts, investors and industry information.
Technical notes: Personal account using email required. PrivCo Video Tutorials
Mergent Online
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Current and historical financial information on 15,000 U.S. and 20,000 foreign companies, both active and inactive
Very easy access to SEC filings, annual reports and Mergent Industry Reports
Private and public U.S and international company data, industry news, facts and figures, hierarchy/corporate family tree data, executive contact information, and industry profiles. Additionally, Mergent Intellect allows users to build lists of companies based on location, industry, size, etc.
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Orbis has information about 40 million companies, including:
18 million European companies from 46 countries
16 million U.S. and Canadian companies
6.5 million South and Central American companies
1.3 million Japanese companies
300,000 Chinese companies
90,000 African companies
Orbis includes information about 30,000 banks and 8,000 insurance companies
Technical Notes: Use of scripts or automated methods to download data from Orbis is strictly prohibited. If you require access to a larger dataset, please contact us at