To locate a stock ticker:
AAPL <Equity>Type code, i.e. AAPL <Equity>BI
BI (Bloomberg Intelligence)
Under Search BI in the top left, type the ticker in the top left and select a specialized report. Look at Market Share data and Bull & Bear themed reports.
SPLC (Supply Chain Analysis)
Great for Porter’s Five Forces analysis. Shows the suppliers, customers and peers of select public companies. Check out the Latest Inventory Growth
RRG SEC (Relative Rotation Graph)
Graphic shows the company, as compared to its competitors, using momentum indicators. Competitors are placed into four categories: Improving, Leading, Lagging and Weakening
N (News)
Bloomberg’s main news page. Narrow the topic under New Search
CN (Company News)
Under Narrow Search change it to an industry or a big stock in an industry. Then, under Sources change it to Analyst Research
BMAP (Bloomberg Commodity Map)
Useful command for mapping out Energy Assets, Mines, Vessels & Ports. Also useful for overlaying storms and earthquakes with that data.
AAPL <Equity>Type code; i.e. AAPL <Equity> FA
FA (Financial Analysis)
DDM (Discount Dividend Model)
RV (Relative Value)
ANR (Analyst reports)
Tozzi Electronic Business and Finance Center
Inquire with Kai Petainen ( ) about training & workshops
AAPL <Equity>Type code, i.e. AAPL <Equity>BTST
BTST (Backtest)
BOLL (Bollinger)
GP (Graph)
WT (World Trends)
Type in the name of someone you know. They might be on Bloomberg.