Provides real time news, analysis, financial and market data for over 45, 0000 companies traded on major global and local exchanges
Over 100,000 private companies covered but information about them is limited because there are no disclosure requirements
Delisted, bankrupt and inactive company information also available. Consult EQS to obtain the latest company coverage numbers
Over 2,800 fundamental data items and financial ratios for in-depth company performance and risk analysis.
Historical stock price archive varies, up to 30 years or more for some companies. To access older historical stock prices, use WRDS – CRSP dataset through the Kresge Library
Company Essentials
Look up a company:
Type in company name, select < Help> key (i.e. Apple <Help>)
For more precise searching, otbtain ticker symbol. Type TK <go> and search for name
To obtain company profile, try either:
Combine ticker symbol with one of the below function codes: (i.e. AAPL <Equity F8><go>DES<go>)