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Master of Accounting (MAcc): Kresge Library
Services Overview

Library Research Guide presented during MAcc Orientation.

Master of Accounting: Kresge Library Services Overview

As a student in the Master of Accounting program you have access to the Kresge Library Services, one of the leading business libraries in the country.  Kresge offers over 100 business-focused databases for all your research needs.  Additionally, you have access to the vast resources available through the Michigan Library. This guide is intended to provide you with the most relevant of these sources as you progress through the Master of Accounting program.

In addition to this guide you might be interested in the following related guides:

Master of Accounting Orientation Slides

About Kresge Library Services

Kresge Library Services provides research, instruction and curriculum support for the faculty, students and staff of the Ross School of Business.  Kresge Library Services is an electronic-only library with staff offices located on the east side of the 4th floor of Kresge Hall.  Kresge Library operates independently of the main University Libraries, receiving our funding from the Ross School of Business.  This allows us to focus on the specific information resource needs of the Ross Community, especially in support of faculty research and action-based learning programs (such as MAP).  We work closely with the University Libraries at Michigan on collaborative purchases, services and management of business print collections.  Additionally, Kresge Library Services supports the course materials needs of the faculty at the Ross School of Business.

Contacting Kresge Library Services

Getting help from Kresge is very easy.  You may reach out to us for any information-related issue, question or comment.  If we cannot help you, we will try to figure out who can.  There are numerous ways to connect with us:

Orientation Documents

Here are links to the most recent Student & Faculty/Staff Orientation documents that showcase the services provided to the Ross Community.

Chat with a Librarian

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Kresge Librarian

Profile Photo
Joel Scheuher
Kresge Hall, 4th Floor East, Suite K4511
700 East University Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1234