International company ratings, risk profiles, sector reports, weekly stock monitors, and other specialized research materials, with focus on emerging markets and new environmental regulations
Use policy: When using material from this database in reports and presentations, vendor contract requirements dictate that you must include the phrase, "Used with permission of Socrates." Traders may not use this database.
Datastream (See LSEG Workspace)
Ross PhD and Faculty can have Datastream installed on their laptops. Please contact Celia Ross (caross) for more info.
Once in Datastream, find Asset4 content by browsing Datatypes under Equity Indices
Use this site to track corporate misconduct involving consumer protection, environmental, health, safety, price-fixing and bribery. Over 110,000 cases initiated by 27 federal regulatory agencies and the Justice Department since 2010 are included with total penalties of almost $300 billion.
WRDS Wharton Research Data Services
Use WRDS to access ISS (formerly RiskMetrics) whic contains information on directors (e.g., name, age, tenure, gender, committee memberships, primary employer and title, etc), as well as governance, including information on takeover defense.
Data sets include:
Bank Regulatory
Beta Suite by WRDS
Bureau van Dijk
CBOE Indexes
Compustat - Capital IQ
DMEF Academic Data
Dow Jones
Efficient Frontier by WRDS
Event Study by WRDS
Fama French & Liquidity Factors
Federal Reserve Bank
Financial Ratios Suite by WRDS
IHS Global Insight
Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS)
Linking Suite by WRDS
Option Metrics
Option Suite by WRDS
OTC Markets
Penn World Tables
Peters and Taylor Total Q
RavenPack News Analytics
Research Quotient
SAS Visual Analytics
SEC Order Execution
Thomson Reuters
World Indices by WRDS
Bloomberg covers Environmental. Social and Governance (ESG) metrics. Type ESG using the terminal located in the 4th floor Kresge library area or in the Tozzi Finance Center in the basement of the Ross building.
Use policy: When using material from this database in reports and presentations, vendor contract requirements dictate that you must include the phrase, "Used with permission of Bloomberg."
UColorado Boulder project providing access to codes of ethics for US companies and trade and professional associations, college and university business programs, and more.