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Energy Industry: Non-renewable Energy

Resources on the Energy, Oil & Gas, and Renewable Energy Industries

Non-renewable energy: Overview

This page contains additional sources that are specific to non-renewable energy (oil, petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear, and other fuels). Please be sure to visit the the Data and Commodities and the Industry Overviews tabs of this guide for more information on these particular energy sources.

Non-renewable energy: Additional Data Sources

Be sure to visit the the Data and Commodities tab of this guide for more data source on non-renewable energy.  Also, please visit the Trade Organization and Associations section below for further data sources compiled by these organizations.

Non-renewable energy: Trade Organizations and Associations

Non-renewable energy: Federal and Regulatory

Non-renewable energy: Industry Trends

Non-renewable energy: Trade Publications

The following trade magazines are available in full text online for University of Michigan users. Login is required for off-campus access to some journals.

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