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Real Estate Industry: Overview

This Guide highlights real estate and construction industry resources from a number of University of Michigan and Trade Sources in Residential and Commercial areas.

Researching the Real Estate Industry

This guide highlights Kresge databases and relevant web sites for those interested in research topics in the commercial and residential real estate industries. Other guides and resources that might be of interest include:

General Industry and Statistical sources for Real Estate and Construction Industries

Use the databases below to learn about the real estate and construction industries. These databases include comprehensive market research reports and general overviews to familiarize yourself with the industry.

Real Estate Industry Trends from Consulting Firms

The consulting firms listed below have teams dedicated to researching industries in which they operate. They often product free reports for consumption by the general public.  These reports are good overviews on future trends and issues impacting specific industries. 

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Joel Scheuher
Kresge Hall, 4th Floor East, Suite K4511
700 East University Avenue
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1234