Several years ago, the University of Michigan Tauber Institute of Global Operations selected to partner with the IPMA-US, formerly the American Society for the Advancement of Project Management (ASAPM). Founded in 1965, the IPMA is a federation of national project management associations in over 60 countries including the United States and has over 200,000 certificants worldwide.
A project is a "unique, temporary, multi-disciplinary and organized endeavor to realise agreed deliverables within predefined requirements and constraints. Achievement of project objective requires these deliverables to conform to specific requirements, including multiple constraints such as time, cost, resources and quality standards or requirements. (IPMA 2015 Individual Competence Baseline)
Unlike the PMI which offers PMBOK, a project management body of knowledge guide, the IPMA’s approach to project management is broken down into a series of 29 competencies addressing people, practice and perspectives discussed in its Baseline.
Provides a competency based Four-Level Certification System for program and project managers.