Database features one-stop shopping that includes strategic initiatives, business and geographic segments, strengths/weaknesses, and ratio comparisons.
Covers over 30 million U.S. and global companies and offers over 17,000 detailed company profiles
Provides some industry reports (Datamonitor and Fredonia Focus Reports) which can be viewed by selecting the SIC and NAICS codes in the company record or by searching in the industry box.
When looking at an industry, "Peer Analysis" in the left menu will provide a list of leading firms. Use SIC or NAICS codes to search for other similar industries.
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Information on over 100 million companies worldwide including 6 million in South and Central America, 4 million in Japan and 400,000 in China. More detailed profiles of over 60,000 companies listed on various global exchanges.
Identifies competitors and customers and provides business and geographic segment information for selected companies
Companies can be sorted by industry using the list building function
Technical Notes: Use of scripts or automated methods to download data from Orbis is strictly prohibited. If you require access to a larger dataset, please contact us at
Includes over 1 million U.S. and global companies and provides detailed profiles for about 60,000 publicly listed ones.
Extensive collection of research analyst reports about listed companies and their markets.
Company earnings estimates and forecasts
Technical notes: ThomsonONE works in Internet Explorer only. Data downloads are in Microsoft Excel format. For Analyst Reports select the 'Research' option on the left. For VentureXpert content, select the 'Screening & Analysis' option, then 'Private Equity'.
Here are two video tutorials to use for finding Analyst Reports in ThomsonOne: