Industry and company financial ratios help compare a company against other companies in an industry, or generally measure financial performance. Industry ratios are an aggregate measure of performance, often broken down by company size.
An ideal tool for measuring corporate performance, this authoritative resource allows managers and auditors to pick and choose the tools they need to best assess their organization's performance. Each formula includes a complete description, explanation of the calculation, an example, and cautions regarding its use. The cautions are of particular use, since they describe those elements of a measurement that can be modified to deliver misleading results, different measurements that may work better in certain situations, usage on a trend line basis, and which other measurements should be used to reinforce indicated results.
Current and historical (past 15 years) firm descriptions, statistics, financial information, annual reports, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, joint ventures, long-term debt, bond ratings, capital stock, insider trading and supply chain for US and global public companies. Also includes access to Investext analyst reports - use tab on the far right upon entering the resource.
Global company coverage of nearly 24 million companies, and additional market and anlayst research reports. D&B includes both public and private companies - although private company financial data isn't always available.
Search thousands of private companies and investors, Private Equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC) deals by hundreds of criteria including industry and business description, company location, company size and funding/investment information. Use PitchBook to establish performance benchmarks identify and analyze comparable companies, and search investor details.
PrivCo contains business and financial research for over 600,000 non-publicly traded corporations, including family-owned, private equity-owned, venture-backed and international unlisted companies. Search for Venture Capital (VC) fundings, private Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) deals, Private Equity (PE) deals, and general company information. Private company profiles contain financials, corporate structure, key contacts, investors and industry information.
Technical notes: Personal account using email required. PrivCo Video Tutorials
Mergent Intellect
Private and public U.S and international company data, industry news, facts and figures, hierarchy/corporate family tree data, executive contact information, and industry profiles. Additionally, Mergent Intellect allows users to build lists of companies based on location, industry, size, etc.
From the Knowledge@Wharton site, the author says that in "a world rapidly switching to digital business models, the old ways of classifying industries and measuring business performances do not suffice."