Below are lists of price sources availabe through Kresge Library or accessible in the public domain. Price reporting agencies (PRAs) provide raw material or commodity prices only accessible through a fee-based subscription.
For more information about PRAs and available prices, contact Danguole Kviklys ( at the Kresge Library.
Provides estimated spot prices but not contracted rates for FCL (full container load) and LCL (less than container load)
Search for YnFx Global Textile Weekly Price Watch
Products are made from raw materials whose prices can fluctuate daily. One of the responsibilities of a supply chain professional is to identify product cost drivers and determine how to address price changes.
Price benchmark information is also used in contract negotiations and establishing favorable prices. Contracts sometimes included price escalation clauses which are tied to market exchanges or fee-based price reporting sources.
Price Availability
Rarely free
Recent or real time prices for the following select commodities and finished goods are available through the following Kresge Library, government and organization resources
Consult the Librarian for price information not listed