* Use the Journal Locator to identify the publication databases providing the latest issues.
* American Shipper
* Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics
Decision Support Systems
European Journal of Operational Research
Industrial Distribution
Industry Week
* Interfaces
* International Journal of Lean Six Sigma
* International Journal of Logistics Management
* International Journal of Operations & Product Management
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
International Journal of Production Economics
*International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
* International Journal of Supply Chain Management
IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management (India)
Journal of Business Logistics (12 month delay)
Journal of Commerce
*Journal of Global Operations & Sourcing
* Journal of Humanitarian Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Journal of International Logistics & Trade
Journal of Operations Management
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management
Journal of Supply Chain Management
* Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems (12 month delay)
Logistics Management
Material Handling & Logistics
* Operations Research
Purchasing Magazine (1915 to 2010)
* Production & Operations Management
Production & Inventory Management (P&IM) Journal (last issue - 2012)
Supply & Demand Chain Executive
Supply Chain Analytics
Supply Chain Forum
* Supply Chain: An International Journal
* Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management Review
Supply Chain (Quarterly)
* Transportation
* Transportation Journal
Transportation Research, E: Logistics and Transportation Review
* Transportation Science
World Trade 100 (WT 100)
The following publications are not available through aggregated article databases or libraries. Access through website
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