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Lean & Value Streams: Lean - Foundational Guides

Guide identifies current as well as pioneering works of the developers of lean principles. Explains the concept of value streams and how to apply value stream mapping (VSM) to create lean organizations.

Lean - Foundational Guides

Featured are the writings of the initiators of the Toyota Production System who laid the groundwork for lean thinking and the works of authors such as James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, John Shook, Jeffrey K. Liker and others who further developed lean practices convincing many enterprises around the world to adopt them in their daily operations.

Toyota Production System (TPS) - Lean's Origins

Industries Adopting the Toyota Way

Note: Author Jeffrey Liker was the director of the Japan Technology Management Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and spent many years studying Toyota's operations and lean practices.

Lean - The Classics