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TO 624 Strategic Sourcing: Industry Research

Technology and Operations TO 624 course library & information resources

Market Research - Frequently Used

  • Industry surveys for over 100 countries worldwide
  • Covers select commodities in metals and agriculture and provides some supply, demand & price forecasts
  • Industry reports cover over 700 sectors in the U.S, 200 in China and 75 worldwide
  • Provides industry growth outlook, dominant market players and their market share
  • Risk and iExpert sections analyze industry growth and risks
  • Summarizes barriers to entry, demand detriments, regulatory environment. Offers a supply chain macro overview and cost structure benchmarks
  • Search for leading producers, top producing countries, supply, demand, raw material historical prices and other data

Additional Market Research

Quick Market Facts

IBISWorld Procurement

  • Do not use Procurement reports for your commodity/category plan. 
  • Offers market intelligence to procurement practitioners so that they make better purchasing decisions and negotiate contracts
  • Provides difficult to find price benchmarks, top vendor lists, market analysis and even suggests negotiation questions

Obtaining Additonal Industry Analysis


  • Trade associations for supply and demand data as well as trend analysis.  In fairness to their members, most associations do not provide market share information.  They also usually do not provide pricing.
  • Government agencies such as the U.S. Energy Administration, USDA and others listed under this Guide's Regulations tab. These agencies monitor supply and demand, provide some price data and forewarn of events impacting the markets. Global organizations such as the World Bank also provide commodity analysis.