Public and private company profiles for US and global companies. Provides company descriptions and history, financials and ratios, hierarchy/corporate family tree data, SWOT analysis, news, competitors, SIC industry codes, NAICS industry codes, SEC filings, and annual reports.
Mergent Online
Current and historical (past 15 years) firm descriptions, statistics, financial information and ratios, annual reports, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, joint ventures, long-term debt, bond ratings, capital stock, insider trading and supply chain for US and foreign companies. Mergent Online also provides access to Investext analyst reports.
Information about European, US, Canadian, South and Central American, Japanese, Chinese, and African companies, as well as banks and insurance companies. Financials, peer comparison, corporate ownership and deals are included.
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Established in China with strong coverage of its supply base. Over 40 product categories ranging including industrial and electronic components, apparel and food products