Looking for a specific publication? Use the Journal Locator to identify the databases that have the publications
ABI/INFORM Collection
Full text articles in wide variety of academic and industry-oriented business periodicals such as Journal of Supply Chain Management, Advances in Operations Research and the International Journal of Logistics Management.
To locate scholarly and trade publications by subject, select Publications at the top then Publication subject on the left
Email and RSS feed alerts available.
Business Source Complete
Similar publication coverage as ABI but also provides exclusive access to academic periodicals such as the Harvard Business Review
Select Industry Reports on the main menu to view over 3,000 reports covering major global economies and industries such as apparel, automotive, chemicals and metals. Many reports are current but others have only historical content.
Select Publications tab to view the specialized list of trade publications. Look up industry in Thesaurus or enter one line subject terms such as gas, energy, plastics to retrieve relevant titles.
Use policy: When using material from this database in reports and presentations, vendor contract requirements dictate that you must include the phrase, "Used with permission of Business Source Complete."
Database features articles from 6,000 newspapers, newswires, magazines and especially trade publications. Browse current editions of the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Business Week and Forbes with this resource. U.S. and global publications
Locate information about a supply category market
Select Companies/Markets tab and Industries for summaries about hundreds of business sectors
To locate publications by Industry: under Search Builder Box select Source Category - By Industry. View categories and expand listings.
Nexis Uni
Full-text business and legal articles, legal cases, and related documents from numerous sources
Limited access to Platts and other industry related publications which occasionally release price surveys and industry outlooks
Select Sources in left menu to access industry resources
For publications by industry, go to the Industry list, select a category, and click on Find Sources
Additional Resources for News
Business Insights: Global
Use the Advanced Search menu to identify major industry players, get business rankings, and market share reports
Includes international, domestic, and Michigan-based news-related publications
Includes hundreds of U.S. smaller town publications, a potential sources for information about local, private companies
Regional Business News (EBSCO)
Incorporates business journals, newspapers and newswires covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States including:
Crain's Detroit Business & Crain's Small Business (Southeastern Michigan)