BMI Research provides market insights, analysis, and forecasts that identify and assess economic, political, and country risks and opportunities across 200+ markets and 20+ industries. Data includes 30+ years of country risk data for over 200 countries, and sector reports for agribusiness, autos, banking & financial services, commodity prices, consumer & retail, consumer electronics, defense & security, oil & gas, insurance, food & drink, freight transport & shipping, information technology, infrastructure, medical devices, metals, mining, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals & healthcare, power, real estate, renewables, telecommunications, and tourism.
Bulk data downloads for macroeconomic, political, and industry indicators for 200+ geographies are also available.
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Enter 'UMich' as the Organization ID.
OECD iLibrary
The online library of the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) includes full-text of books, periodicals and the OECD statistical databases. Themes included are Economics, Governance, Nuclear Energy, Social Issues and Taxation.
World Bank Publications
The World Bank publishes on two distinct platforms. Both platforms provide Open Access content free to all.
As of 12 March 2020 there is a Frost & Sullivan report titled The Coronavirus Outbreak and Its Impact on the Global Economy.
Use policy: When using material from this database in reports and presentations, vendor contract requirements dictate that you must include the phrase, "Used with permission of Frost & Sullivan."
Email alerts available
eMarketer covers the digital marketplace with reports and charts on advertising spending by media, brand marketing, digital advertising, mobile apps, mobile devices, consumer behavior and experience, Ecommerce, social media usage and other topics.
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Mintel provides marketing intelligence for a wide scope of industries in the US and abroad. Their reports are downloadable and contain market, consumer and brand/company information. Their databooks allow users to create graphs and tables using the marketing data that they collect.