This guide covers the most important sources of business school rankings. It also includes links to news and information sources about the world of business schools.
Listed below are the main types of business degree programs and the publications that rank them. There is a page with more information for each publication that ranks business schools. Other pages in the guide contain links to Web sites and news sources about business schools, and a bibliography of articles about business school rankings.
Fulltime MBA Programs in the U.S.
Undergraduate Business Programs in the U.S.
International Fulltime MBA Programs
Executive and Part-Time MBA Programs
This guide was originally managed by Wake Forest University's Business Librarian Bob Hebert, who recently retired. We thank him for sharing this guide with business librarians, business school administrators, and other interested parties all over the world.
We will be updating this over the course of the next few months.
If you have corrections or additions to suggest, please write Corey Seeman (University of Michigan) at