Kresge Library and the University of Michigan provide access to a large number of ebook packages that cover virtually all topics. Here are a selection of resources that cover emerging markets and Base of the Pyramid issues.
Skillsoft Books
Business, technical, and engineering e-books: ITPro, EngineeringPro, BusinessPro, and IT & Desktop videos.
Springer Complete eBook Collection
Springer provides online full-text access to thousands of books in the arts, sciences, law, mathematics, medicine, computing, and other disciplines. Most books are from 1996 to the present, and include Apress, Birkhauser, Copernicus Books, Humana Press, Physica-Verlag, Plenum US, Springer, Springer-Verlag, Steinkopff, and TELOS imprints. Books are viewable and printable as PDFs.
ProQuest Ebook Central
The ProQuest eBook Central platform combines eBook content from several other ProQuest eBook platforms, into a single interface. Most of the books are in English, but there are several titles in Spanish, and smaller numbers in other languages. The content covers the full range of subjects from a variety of university presses, trade publishers, and popular presses. New content is added regularly.
World Bank Publications
The World Bank publishes on two distinct platforms. Both platforms provide Open Access content free to all.
Search the collections of the University Library by keyword, author, etc. Remember that a catalog search is not searching every page, only the book's catalog information, so avoid using very narrow terms or lots of combined keywords.