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TO 701 - Topics in Global Operations - Tauber 2023: Home

Resources for integrating sustainability into a business value chain

The Sustainable Business Model

This Guide helps identify company value chains and their sustainability practices.

To succeed in this assignment, select companies that are publicly traded to ensure that there is enough documentation about their business practices. Then contact your Team's Research Librarian for an appointment. 

Team Research Librarians

  • Automobile (GM, Ford, Toyota, Tesla...) - Joel Scheuher (jscheuhe)
  • Semiconductor (Intel, Samsung) - Danguole Kviklys (dkviklys)
  • Airlines (Delta, United, Lufthansa, KLM) - Celia Ross (caross)
  • Fast-food (McDonalds, Starbuck) - Corey Seeman (cseeman)
  • Food companies (Pepsi, General Mills, Kraft...) - Sally Ziph (sweston)
  • CPG non-food companies (P&G, J&J) - Sally Ziph (sweston)
  • Apparel (GAP, H&M, Zara....) - Laura Berdish (berdish)
  • Data (Cloud Business) - Amazon AWS, Google.... Jennifer Zimmer (jamm)
  • eCommerce & Retail (Walmart, Amazon) - Mary Catherine Moeller (mcmoelle)