Company R&D allocation and spend information can be found by examining company legal documents such as financial statements, US SEC 10K reports, publication databases, and investment analyst reports. However the majority of R&D figures are consolidated across the whole organization and not for individual product lines.
Locate company R&D spend in financial statements through D&B Hoovers and Mergent
Use D&B Hoovers or U.S. SEC Edgar to access several years of company U.S. SEC 10K filings for information about their research and development plans and expenditures.
Use ABI and Business Source to access trade journal articles and press releases for information about company or industry R&D investments and strategies. Contact Librarian for other publication options
ABI -> Select Advanced Search
avionics (abstract)
research & development (subject)
Honeywell (abstract)
research & development (subject)
Business Source -> Select Advanced Search
avionics (all text)
research and development (subject)
honeywell (abstract)
research and development (subject)
Frost & Sullivan and many of the other recommended industry reports have some information about R&D strategies and expenditures.
For help locate analyst reports, contact Research Consultant -