This data tool leverages Census data to track population makeup of individuals on parameters such as age, gender, race, household size, household income, education attainment, marital status, and language spoken. Geographic regions can be filtered to Census tracts, core-based statistical areas, designated market area, states, counties, zip codes, and many other options.
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SimplyAnalytics is a web-based mapping application that allows you to create thematic maps and reports using demographic, business and marketing data. Data can be downloaded for use with other software such as Excel and GIS. Examples of data included are Census data, Consumer Expenditure Survey and Nielsen Retail Market Power.
Technical notes: Users need to create their own account with email address in order to be able to save work.
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Data-Planet is a repository of date from US government sources, World Bank, IMF, OECD, and other intergovernmental organizations. Create maps and reports from data you select from over 640 datasets. Subjects include health, crime, population, economics, finance, industry, and marketing.
A collection of public and private data sets from national governments, international organizations, and research firms. A focus of this resource is sub-national data for the countries of the world (data by country, city, state or province). Country-level data is generally available going back 35 years and city-level data generally covers 15-20 years.
Social Explorer contains data from the first Census in 1790 to the present day. Using their data, the user can generate maps of population or specific demographic variables by location, as well as reports.
The AHS is sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. The survey is the most comprehensive national housing survey in the United States.
American FactFinder provides access to data about the United States, Puerto Rico and the Island Areas. The data in American FactFinder come from several censuses and surveys, including the American Community and Housing surveys, the Economic Census and annual Commodity Flow Survey.
The Lincoln Park Community Data Snapshot is a data profile within the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) seven-county northeastern Illinois region. The snapshot primarily features data from the American Community Survey (ACS) five-year estimates, although other data sources include the U.S.Census Bureau, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES), Illinois Department of Revenue (IDR), HERE Technologies, and CMAP itself.